Welcome to “NeuroCHEM.”
Thank you for using our service such as NeuroCHEM (“Service”).
These NeuroCHEM Terms of Service define the relationship between Neurolines Inc. (“Company”) which provides the service, and members who agree these terms and use the service.
By registering as member to use the service, you are deemed to have been notified and to agree be bound by these NeuroCHEM Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and additional operation policies. Please take a moment to read these NeuroCHEM Terms of Service carefully.
Article 1 (Purpose)
These NeuroCHEM Terms of Service aims to define rights, obligation duty, and responsibility of “NeuroCHEM” and clients (“Member”) using NeuroCHEM service (“Service”) regarding the use of NeuroCHEM related all sorts of services.
Article 2 (Definitions)
In these Terms of Service, the following have the meanings set out below:
(1) “Service” is defined as all sorts of services that allow the use of functions of various applications provided by the company.
(2) “Service Member” is distinguished as the following:
“Service Charged Member”: A user who accessed the service operated by the company, provided personal and corporate information to the company, registered as member, and uses the service in accordance with these terms of service.
“Service Partner Member”: A user who concluded service cooperation contract and has right to access to the service and supply it in accordance with these terms of service.
“Non-members”: A user who did not register as member and use collateral services provided by the company.
(3) Terms not defined in this article follows definition by related legislation.
Article 3 (Amendment of Terms)
(1) These Terms of Service become effective when the “Member” accesses the website to use the “Service” and applies for membership after agreeing to the terms and conditions, and the “company” approves such application.
(2) “Company” put up these Terms of Service on the initial page of the service for the “Member” to easily notice them.
(3) “Company” can modify these terms within the range of related legislations when it is considered as needed by reasons such as application of new “Service,” improvement and maintenance of security system, implementation of correction order by the government or public institution, application of new “Service” provided by the “Company,” and additional important occupational “Company” work-related reasons.
(4) When “Company” revises these terms of service, “Company” informs the modification to “Member” from 7 days before to the day before application so that “Member” can recognize it in advance. Announcement will be displayed on the initial page of “Service” with the application date, reason of modification, and current terms.
(5) “Member” can withdraw the membership when disagree with the application of revised terms until the day before their application. “Member” is deemed to be agreed to the new terms if not take such action.
(6) “Company” can put separate Terms of Service and Policies for individual service and paid purchase. Separate Terms of Service and Policies are applied as priority when contradict with these Terms of Service.
(7) If “Member” could not withdraw the membership as mentioned in the preceding paragraph (paragraph 5) due to ‘circumstance that “Member” cannot take responsibility of (hereinafter referred to as “Unaccountable Situation”)’, “Member” can prove such reason and withdraw membership as soon as the “Unaccountable Situation” disappears. (Not accessing to “Service” during announcement period of new terms is not considered as “Unaccountable Situation.”)
Article 4 (Protection of Personal Information)
“Company” put effort to protect personal information of “Member” as applicable legislations allow.
Applicable laws and Privacy Policy of the “Company” is applied for protection and use of personal information.
Article 5 (Change in Member Information)
(1) “Member” can browse and modify personal information at any time through personal information management page.
(2) When there is change in information provided during the application for membership, “Member” must modify it online and notice the modification to the “Company.”
(3) “Company” shall not be held liable for any disadvantage arising from the failure of the “Member” to comply with the preceding paragraph.
Article 6 (Management of Member ID and Password)
(1) Management and liability of ID and Password of the “Member” (“Identification Method”) and should not let be used by third party.
(2) “Member” should immediately notice and follow the direction of “Company” when notice the appropriation and use of “Identification Method” by third party.
(3) “Company” shall not be held liable for any disadvantage occurred as the “Member” did not inform the “Company” about the appropriation despite preceding paragraph or not following the direction of the “Company” after informing about the situation.
Article 7 (Content of “Service”)
(1) “Company” provides the following services to the “Member”:
- Chemical regulation information provision service
- Chemical inventory DB construction service
- MSDS creation and management service
- GHS Warning Sign creation and management service
- MSDS submission to the government and non-disclosure approval service
- Chemical notification and registration (K-REACH) service
- Chemical regulation and hazard DB API service
(2) “Company” may stipulate separate terms other than these Terms of Service regarding the provision of the service in Paragraph 1.
(3) “Member” may designate an “Administrator” for the created and/or registered “Service” of the “Company” through additional certification method determined by the “Company” after registration and agreement on these Terms of Service. Since designation of the “Administrator,” “Member” can enjoy the “Service” through approval of the “Administrator.”
(4) “Company” can divide the “Service” into a certain range and specify the available time for each rage separately. The details will be announced in advance when the available time is specified.
(5) “Company” can temporarily cease the provision of “Service” when there is considerable reason such as maintenance, inspection, replacement and breakdown of information and communication facilities such as computers, communication disruption.
(6) “Company” does not compensate the damage of users or third party arising from the cease of “Service” due to reason of Paragraph 5 if there is no intention or fault of “Company.”
(7) “Company” can do routine inspection if needed for service provision. The time for routine inspection follows the announcement on service provision page.
Article 8 (Provision and Modification of “Service”)
(1) In principle, “Service” is provided 24/7.
(2) “Company” can modify whole or part of service by operational and technical need if there is considerable reason.
(3) If there is modification in the content, how-to-use, and hours of use of the “Service,” the content and provision date of the changed service will be announced on the initial page of the corresponding service page before modification.
(4) “Company” can modify, suspend, change part of or whole service for policy and operational needs. No separate compensation is made unless there is applicable legislation for the issue.
Article 9 (Cancelation or Suspension of “Service)
(1) “Member” should apply for cancelation through information administrator of “Service” by oneself in advance if want to cancel the “Service.”
(2) Whether or not the cancellation request is processed can be determined by confirming that the “Member” attempts to log in using the “Identification method” and does not log in.
(3) When “Member” cancels the “Service,” all information about “Member” is deleted except for the situation that the “Company” owns the information due to Privacy Policy and applicable legislation. However, contact information that “Member” registered to “Service” is managed as information of “Company” that “Member” belongs to; therefore, contact information does not disappear even though “Member” cancels the “Service.”
(4) If “Member” violates the liability mentioned in these terms of service, “Company” can require its rectification or improvement through letter, email, phone call, and other methods. “Company” can cease the provision of “Service” if attributable party shows no rectification or/and improvement effort after informing through above communication methods.
(5) “Company” can cease the provision of “Service” to the “Member” without notification in following situations:
a. When procedures such as refusal of payment, dissolution, settlement, bankruptcy, etc. of a financial institution are initiated, or a similar situation occur
b. When major assets or business are transferred to a third party
c. In the event that a serious violation of laws or social inquiries has caused, or is expected to cause, a significant hindrance to the operation of the “Service”
d. When it is recognized that there is a risk of entering or entering into procedures such as seizure, provisional disposition, seizure, or initiation of public auction or auction
e. In the case of theft of another person's name or confirmation of an application for permission
f. If the “company” determines that it interferes with other normal “service” operations
Article 10 (Fee and Payment of “Service”)
(1) The “Company” may add up the charges for each paid service on a monthly or annual basis according to the price policy of the service if the “Member” subscribes for charged membership in the “Service”.
(2) “Member” should pay monthly or annual fee depending on the price policy of the charged membership oneself is using.
(3) The billing and payment method provided by the “Service” follows the policy of the “Company”.
Article 11 (Obligation of “Company”)
(1) “Company” makes best effort to provide “Service” continuously and in stable feature without special excuse.
(2) The “Company” maintains and repairs the facilities provided for the “Service” in an operational state at all times and makes every effort to repair and restore the facility without delay in the event of a failure or loss.
(3) If opinion or dissatisfaction raised by the “Member” is considered just, “Company” should resolve it rapidly. In case rapid resolution is difficult, “Company” notify its reason and resolution schedule o the “Member” through email, letter, phone call, or other communication methods.
Article 12 (Obligation of “Member”)
(1) “Member” should follow these Terms of Service and related legislations and must not do actions that interrupt conduction of business.
(2) “Member” must comply with the matters notified by the “Company” in relation to the “Service” used other than these terms and conditions.
(3) “Member” should not do the following:
a. Registration of false information when applying, registering or changing
b. Theft of other people's information
c. Infringement of the intellectual property rights of the “Company” or a third party
d. Defamation and business obstruction of the “Company” or a third party
e. Disclosure or posting of obscene codes, texts, sounds, images, images, and other information contrary to public order and morals
f. Explicitly intentionally obstructing the operation of the service or posting information that may interfere with stable operation
g. Transmission and posting of information that is prohibited from being transmitted or posted in accordance with relevant laws and regulations
h. Use of “Service” for commercial purposes without the consent of the “Company”
i. Other illegal or unfair behavior
Article 13 (Compensation for damage and other)
(1) The “Company” or “Member” may claim damages from the attributable party if any damages have occurred to the other party due to the breach of the obligations set forth in this Agreement.
(2) In the event that the “Member” commits the fraudulent act of Article 12, Paragraph 3, the member must compensate the company and/or other members for any damages. In the event that conflict occurs between company and other members due to the illegal use of “Member,” “Member” should completely indemnify the “Company” from the relationship with other members, etc. at their own responsibility and expense and compensate the damage and expense occurred to the “Company” by the conflict with other members, etc.
(3) If damage occurred to company and/or other members due to reasons attributable except for Paragraph 2, the member shall compensate the company and/or other members for damages within the scope of a relation.
Article 14 (Exemption Clause)
(1) Responsibility for the provision of “Service” is waived in situation of force majeure such as national emergencies such as wars and incidents, natural disasters, interruption of service provision of telecommunications service providers, interruption of power supply from KEPCO, intrusion of hackers, inability to operate service systems due to computer viruses, and other similar circumstances.
(2) Regarding provision of free “Service” by the “Company,” “Company” does not take responsibility over matters that does not apply to the subjects determined in Privacy Policy.
(3) “Company” is not responsible of any damage occurred by the reasons attributable of the “Member.”
(4) The “Company” is not obligated to intervene in disputes between “members” and between “members” and affiliates or third parties through “service” and is not responsible for any damages caused by this.
Article 15 (Intellectual Property Rights and other)
(1) “Company” only provides right of using of “Service” to the “Member.” Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights regarding the “Service” written and provided by the “Company” belongs to the “Company.” However, the ownership and intellectual property rights of the “application” provided by the affiliate through partnership with the “Company” among the “Service” belong to the affiliate.
(2) “Member” shall not use or let third party use the “Service” provided by the “Company” through copy, transmission, publication, distribution, airing, and other methods for profit-making purpose without prior consent of the “Company.”
(3) Rights and responsibility over posts and materials uploaded on the “Service” by “Member” is on “Member” who uploaded those. “Company” owns 개제권 within the “Service” on posts and materials uploaded by “Member” and does not use those for profit-making purpose without consent of the “Member” who uploaded those.
(4) “Company” has right to modify or delete posts including contents that violate Article 12 Obligation of “Member.”
Article 16 (Dispute resolution and Competent court)
(1) “Company” and “Member” must make all necessary efforts to smoothly resolve any disputes arising from the “Service”.
(2) If the dispute arising about the use of the “service” is not resolved smoothly, the jurisdiction of the related lawsuit shall be the court having jurisdiction over the location of the headquarters of the “company”.
[Supplementary Clause]
The effective date of these terms of service is April 14, 2021.